The Naughtiest Girl Is a Monitor by Enid Blyton is a heartwarming children's story about a mischievous girl named Amelia who is unexpectedly appointed as a monitor in her school. Despite her reputation for troublemaking, Amelia takes her new role seriously and discovers a newfound sense of responsibility. Through a series of hilarious and heartwarming adventures, Amelia proves that even the naughtiest girl can learn to be a good monitor.
The Naughtiest Girl Is a Monitor by Enid Blyton c1974 Illustrated
Title: The Naughtiest Girl Is a Monitor
Author: Enid Blyton
Publisher : Dean & Sons
Publication: c1973
Format: HardbackCondition: Picture covers which have slight spine fade and crease to rear cover. Pages are clean and mark free with illustrations throughout. Previous child name, address etc to front
Book measures: 19cm x 13cm with 185 pages