"The Mahogany Tree" by William Makepeace Thackeray is a delightful Christmas song capturing the festive spirit. Known as a British novelist, author, and illustrator, Thackeray's satirical style takes a sentimental turn in this song, resonating with the British population and becoming an instant success. Born in Calcutta, British India, Thackeray moved to England after his father's demise in 1815. He studied at several schools and briefly attended Trinity College, Cambridge, before embarking on travels across Europe. Unfortunately, he squandered much of his inheritance on gambling and unsuccessful newspapers. Nevertheless, his touching Christmas song continues to evoke joy and nostalgia, keeping the essence of the season alive in the hearts of many.
This beautiful copy of his famous Christmas Song is an oversized limited UK edition No: 256 0f 500
The Mahogany Tree by William Makepeace Thackeray c1887Limited Edition
Title: The Mahogany Tree
Author: William Makepeace Thackeray
Publisher : Samuel E Cassino
Publication 1887
Format: HarbackCondition: Green covers with brown picture to front with a slice of Mahogany to the left hand side. The top of the mahogany has a piece missing. The pages are clean with no ink or pencil marks and are beautifully illustrated throughout. Some light foxing to the pages, especially to the first three. Portrait picture of Thackeray to the front.
Book measures: 36cm x 28cm