H.G. Wells's classic science fiction novel, The Invisible Man, tells the chilling tale of a scientist who, through a series of experiments, becomes invisible. However, his newfound power leads to a descent into madness and a reign of terror. As the invisible man wreaks havoc, the protagonist, a young doctor, must unravel the mystery behind the terrifying crimes and bring the invisible menace to justice. This gripping story explores the dangers of unchecked scientific ambition and the consequences of playing God.
The Invisible Man by H G Wells c1946 Penguin
Title: The Invisible Man
Author: H G Wells
Publisher : Penguin Books
Publication: c1946
Format: SoftbackCondition: Green and white covers which have some damabe to spine ends with small tear to top cover. Pages are clean and mark free. Previous owners name to front.
Book measures: 18cm x 11cm with 188 pages