The Golden Bowl, a classic novel by Henry James, explores the complexities of marriage and love in the upper echelons of society. Maggie Verver, a wealthy American heiress, marries Prince Amerigo, an impoverished Italian aristocrat. Her father, Adam, later marries Maggie's friend, Charlotte Stant. However, the two couples soon find themselves entangled in a web of secrets and deceit, as Charlotte and Amerigo share a past relationship. As the story unfolds, the characters grapple with jealousy, betrayal, and the fragility of their carefully constructed lives.
A Penguin Modern Classic #2449
The Golden Bowl by Henry James c1966 First Edition thus
Title: The Golden Bowl
Author: Henry James
Publisher : Penguin Books
Publication: c1966 First Edition Thus
Format: SoftbackCondition: Picture covers which are slighttly fading and light crease to corner. Pages are clean and mark free.
Book measures: 18cm x 11cm with 547 pages