"The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals" by E.P. Evans is a captivating exploration of an intriguing yet often forgotten aspect of history. In this thought-provoking book, Evans delves into the bizarre world of animal trials and the once widely accepted belief in their capacity for human-like understanding. From the Middle Ages to the early modern period, this gripping account uncovers the tales of animals brought to court, accused of crimes, and subjected to legal proceedings. With meticulous research and a touch of whimsy, Evans examines the social and legal contexts that led to such trials and the controversial use of capital punishment. A remarkable journey into a forgotten chapter of human-animal relationships.
Picture covers which are in a very good condition. The pages are bright and clean with no marks. Previous owners inscription to front. Book in a very good condition.
Book measures 20cm x 12.5cm with 336 pages
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The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals by E P Evans
Title: The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals
Author: E P Evans
Publisher: Faber & Faber
Publication Date: 1987
Format: PaperbackCondition: Picture covers which are in a very good condition. The pages are bright and clean with no marks. Previous owners inscription to front. Book in a very good condition.
Book measures 20cm x 12.5cm with 336 pages