In this thought-provoking exploration of life's trials, Daniel Kolenda offers practical guidance and spiritual insights for overcoming adversity. Drawing from his personal experiences and biblical wisdom, Kolenda equips readers with the tools to navigate life's wildernesses with courage, resilience, and hope. With a focus on faith, perseverance, and God's unwavering love, this book provides a roadmap for finding strength and purpose even in the darkest of times.
First edition of 20,000 copies
Surviving Your Wilderness by Daniel Kolenda First Edition
Title: Surviving Your Wilderness
Author: Daniel Kolenda
Publisher : Christ for All Nations
Publication: Undated First Edition
Format: SoftbackCondition: Picrure covers which are in a very good condition. Pages are bright and clean with no marks.
Book measures: 18cm x 12cm with 74 pages