Barbara Pym, a beloved novelist known for her witty and insightful portrayals of ordinary lives, kept a meticulous record of her thoughts and experiences in her diaries, letters, and notebooks. This collection offers a fascinating glimpse into her creative process, her personal relationships, and her observations of the world around her. From her early days as a struggling writer to her later years as a literary success, Pym's candid and often humorous reflections provide a unique and intimate portrait of a remarkable woman.
A Very Private Eye by Barbara Pym c1989 Autobiography
Title: A Very Private Eye
Author: Barbara Pym
Publisher : Grafton Books
Publication: c1989
Format: SoftbackCondition: Picture covers which are in a good condition. Pages are clean with no marks. Photo illustrations to centre of book.
Book measures: 18cm x 11cm with 492 pages