A Tale of Two Stowaways by C. Ellis is a thrilling adventure story that follows the unexpected journey of two young stowaways aboard a ship bound for the exotic lands of the Caribbean. As they navigate the treacherous seas and encounter unexpected challenges, the unlikely duo must learn to trust each other and overcome their differences to survive. With pirates, tropical storms, and hidden treasures, this captivating tale offers a thrilling escape for young readers.
A Tale of Two Stowaways by C. Ellis c1900's Children's Christianity
Title: A Tale of Two Stowaways
Author: C. Ellis
Publisher : The Religious Tract Society
Publication: Undated (Early c1900's)
Format: HardbackCondition: Blue picture covers which are good with just some minor bumping and a few marks. Pages are clean with no ink or pencil marks-a few light foxing marks to some pages. Some nice illustrations with coloured picture to frontispiece.
Book measures: 19cm x 12.5cm with 121 pages + adverts