"A Better Class of Person" is a captivating autobiography by John Osborne, offering a candid and often humorous exploration of his formative years from 1929 to 1956. Osborne, a renowned playwright known for his provocative works like "Look Back in Anger," paints a vivid picture of his childhood, adolescence, and early career. He shares his experiences growing up in a working-class family in London, his struggles with education, and his eventual rise to literary fame. This memoir provides a fascinating glimpse into the life of a groundbreaking figure in British theater, offering insights into his creative process, his relationships, and his evolving worldview.
A Better Class of Person by John Osborne c1982 Penguin Autobiography
Title: A Better Class of Person
Author: John Osborne
Publisher : Penguin Books
Publication: c1982
Format: SoftbackCondition: Picture covers which have a small crease to bottom corner. Pages are clean and mark free. Some photo illustrations to centre of the book.
Book measures: 18cm x 11cm with 285 pages