Antiquarian and Collectable
National Union of Teachers Lowestoft Conference Souvenir c1914
Representative English Comedies" by Charles Mills Gayley Volume I
The Morris Book by Cecil J Sharp c1912 Dance
Songs, Poems and Sonnets of Shakespeare by William Sharp c1880s
A Day with the Poet Keats by Maurice Clare c1910 Illustrated
The Darling and Other Stories by Anton Tchehov c1918 Chatto & Windus
Across the Plains with Other Memories and Essays by Robert Louis Stevenson c1920
Coal and the Miner-Rambles Among our Industries by William J Claxton c1913
Tooled Leather Photo Album with Brass Clasp Victorian + 38 Photographs
Robert Pocock-Gravesend Historian, Naturalist, Botanist by George M Arnold c1883
Ballades & Rhymes by A Lang c1911 Longmans Green
Memories and Portraits by Robert Louis Stevenson c1917 Chatto & Windus
History of Civilization in England Vol III by Henry T Buckle c1906 Frowde
Table Talk-Essays on Men and Manners by William Hazlett c1910 Frowde
The Rising 1745 by Charles Sanford Terry c1903 with Jacobite History
The Poetical Works of John Dryden by W.D. Christie c1911 Macmillan
St Ives by Robert Louis Stevenson c1906 Heinemann
French Lyrics by George Saintsbury c1882 Poetry
Ballades and Rondeaus, Chants Royal, Sestinas, Villanelles etc by Gleeson White
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser by J C Smith c1912 With Critical Notes